How to Use JavaScript Array Methods

Written by Sophia on July 24, 2020.

An array in JavaScript is an ordered collection of data. Arrays are indexed starting at 0, are mutable, can contain multiple values, can hold multiple data types, and can be iterated upon.

JavaScript has built-in methods that help make working with arrays easier. For example, methods that help with accessing items in arrays, mutating arrays, and iterating over arrays,

To get the most out of this blog, it'll be helpful to have a basic understanding of how arrays are indexed, how to modify array elements, and how to loop over arrays. You can review these concepts in, Understanding Arrays in JavaScript.

In this blog, we'll go over how to use some commonly used array methods.

Note that the proper way to write out methods is with Array.prototype.method(). But to keep things simple, we'll write it out as just method().


The join() method joins all elements of an array into a string.

An argument can be given to specify what separator should be used between each array element.

let flowers = ['daisies', 'roses', 'cosmos', 'lilies']

// Join the elements with ' - '
console.log(flowers.join(' - '))
// 'daisies - roses - cosmos - lilies'

If no arguments are specified, then the output will be comma separated without whitespaces in between.

let flowers = ['daisies', 'roses', 'cosmos', 'lilies']

// Join the elements without a specified separator
// 'daisies,roses,cosmos,lilies'


The concat() method merges two or more arrays, and returns a new array. It does not mutate the original arrays.

In the example below, we combine flowers1 and flowers2 into a new array, allFlowers.

// Create two arrays of  flowers
let flowers1 = ['daisies', 'roses', 'cosmos', 'lilies']
let flowers2 = ['hyacinths', 'mums', 'pansies']

// Concatenate flowers1 and flowers2
let allFlowers = flowers1.concat(flowers2)

// ['daisies', 'roses', 'cosmos', 'lilies', 'hyacinths', 'mums', 'pansies']


The includes() method returns true if an array contains a certain value, and false if the array does not contain the value.

In this example, we check if the 'roses' and 'orchids' are in the flowers array.

let flowers = ['daisies', 'roses', 'cosmos', 'lilies', 'roses']

// 'roses' is in the 'flowers' array, so it prints true
// true

// 'orchids' is not in the 'flowers' array, so it prints false
// false


The slice() method removes part of the original array and returns the copied array. slice() takes in a start and an end argument. The returned copied array excludes the end index. It does not mutate the original array.

In this example, we remove 'roses' and 'cosmos' from flowers.

let flowers = ['daisies', 'roses', 'cosmos', 'lilies']

// Remove 2 elements at index 1 (index 3 is not included in the removal)
let slicedFlowers = flowers.slice(1, 3)

// ['roses', 'cosmos']

// flowers is not mutated
// ['daisies', 'roses', 'cosmos', 'lilies']


The splice() method mutates contents of an array by removing existing elements. splice() also optionally adds new elements in place.

In this example, we remove all the elements from flowers starting at the 1st index.

let flowers = ['daisies', 'roses', 'cosmos', 'lilies']

// Remove all elements starting at index 1, 'roses'

// ['daisies']

splice() also optionally removes a specified number of elements and inserts elements with specified values.

In this example, we remove 1 element at index 2 and insert 'mums' in replacement.

let flowers = ['daisies', 'roses', 'cosmos', 'lilies']

// Remove 1 element at index 2 ('cosmos'), and insert 'mums' at index 2
flowers.splice(2, 1, 'mums')

// ['daisies',  roses', 'mums', 'lilies']


The indexOf() method searches an array starting at the beginning of the array. It returns the first index where the specified element is found. It returns -1 if the element is not found.

In the example below, 'roses' is listed twice in animals. We use indexOf() to find the first instance of 'roses'.

let flowers = ['daisies', 'roses', 'cosmos', 'lilies', 'roses']

// Print the index of 'cosmos', 2
// 2

// Print -1 because 'orchids' is not in the animals array
// -1


The lastIndexOf() method searches an array backwards and returns the first index where the element is found. It returns -1 if the element is not found.

In the example below, roses is listed twice in animals. We use lastIndexOf to return the first instance it is found based off of starting the search from the end of the array.

let flowers = ['daisies', 'roses', 'cosmos', 'lilies', 'roses']

// Start the search from the end of the array, print the index of the first instance of 'roses', 4
// 4

// Print -1, 'orchids' is not in the array
// -1

// Start the search from index 3 ('lilies'), print the first instance of 'roses, 1
console.log(flowers.lastIndexOf('roses', 3))
// 1


The toString() method returns an array as a string.

In the following example, we turn the flowers array into a string.

let flowers = ['daisies', 'roses', 'cosmos', 'lilies', 'roses']

// 'daisies,roses,cosmos,lilies,roses'

toString() also works the same way with arrays containing different types of values.

let flowerNumbers = ['daisies', 1, 'roses', 6, 'cosmos', 4]

// 'daisies,1,roses,6,cosmos,4'


The pop() method removes the last element of an array and returns that element. pop() mutates the original array.

In this example, we remove the last element, 'lilies'.

let flowers = ['daisies', 'roses', 'cosmos', 'lilies']

// Remove and print the last element, 'lilies'
// 'lilies'

// flowers is mutated
// ['daisies', 'roses', 'cosmos']


The push() method adds element(s) to the end of an array and returns the new length of the array. push() mutates the original array.

let flowers = ['daisies', 'roses', 'cosmos', 'lilies', 'roses']

// Add 'hyacinths' to the end of the array and return the array's new length
// 6

// flowers is mutated to include 'hyacinths' at the end of the array
// ['daisies', 'roses', 'cosmos', 'lilies', 'roses', 'hyacinths']

We can also push multiple elements to the end of an array with push().

let flowers = ['daisies', 'roses', 'cosmos', 'lilies', 'roses']

// Add 'hyacinths', 'mums', 'pansies' to the end of the array and return the array's new length
console.log(flowers.push('hyacinths', 'mums', 'pansies'))
// 8

// flowers is mutated to include the new values at the end of the array
// ['daisies', 'roses', 'cosmos', 'lilies', 'roses', 'hyacinths', 'mums', 'pansies']


The unshift() method adds element(s) to the beginning of the array and returns the length of the new array.

let flowers = ['daisies', 'roses', 'cosmos', 'lilies']

// Add 'hyacinths' to the beginning of the array and return the length of the new array
// 5

// flowers is mutated to include the new values at the beginning of the array
// ['hyacinths', 'daisies', 'roses', 'cosmos', 'lilies']

We can also add multiple elements to the beginning of an array with unshift().

let flowers = ['daisies', 'roses', 'cosmos', 'lilies']

console.log(flowers.unshift('hyacinths', 'mums', 'pansies'))
// 7

// ['hyacinths', 'mums', 'pansies', 'daisies', 'roses', 'cosmos', 'lilies']


The reverse() method does what its name suggests, it reverses an array, in place.

In this example, we reverse the flowers array.

let flowers = ['daisies', 'roses', 'cosmos', 'lilies']

// Reverse the flowers array
// ['lilies', 'cosmos', 'roses', 'daisies']


The sort() method sorts the elements of an array in place and returns the sorted array.

In this example, we sort the flowers array alphabetically.

let flowers = ['daisies', 'roses', 'cosmos', 'lilies']

// Sort flowers alphabetically

// ['cosmos', 'daisies', 'lilies', 'roses']

sort() is based on the first unicode character. It will sort uppercase elements before lowercase elements.

In this example, we spell Rose with an uppercase R in the animals array and use the sort() method.

let flowers = ['daisies', 'Roses', 'cosmos', 'lilies']

// Sort flowers alphabetically

// ['Roses', 'cosmos', 'daisies', 'lilies']

Additionally, the sort() method sorts numbers by its first character, not by the number's value. We can also pass in a function as a parameter to compare the elements.

This is how we can sort numbers by their value.

let numbers = [8, 3, 7, 5]
numbers.sort((a, b) => a - b)

// [3, 5, 7, 8]


The forEach() method calls a function for each element in an array. Note, we can't break a forEach() loop like we could in a for loop.

In this example, we loop through and print the elements of the flowers array.

let flowers = ['daisies', 'roses', 'cosmos', 'lilies']

flowers.forEach(element => console.log(element))

// 'daises'
// 'roses'
// 'cosmos'
// 'lilies'


The map() method performs a function on each element in an array and creates a new array from the results of the function. The map() method does not mutate the original array.

The map() method is similar to the forEach() method, but map() creates a new array while forEach() does not.

In this example, we loop through and print the elements of the flowers array.

let flowers = ['daisies', 'roses', 'cosmos', 'lilies'] => console.log(element))

// 'daises'
// 'roses'
// 'cosmos'
// 'lilies'

We can also use map() to mutate the values and save them in a new array.

let flowers = ['daisies', 'roses', 'cosmos', 'lilies']
let beautifulFlowers = => `${element} are beautiful`)

// ['daisies are beautiful', 'roses are beautiful', 'cosmos are beautiful', 'lilies are beautiful']


The reduce() performs a function from left to right on each array element to return a single value. It takes in two parameters, the total and current value. reduce() does not mutate the original array.

In this example, we find the sum of all the numbers in the array.

let numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

// Sum all the numbers in the array
let sum = numbers.reduce((a, b) => a + b)

// 15


The filter() method creates a new array with all elements that pass the test specified in the function.

In this example, we filter for elements that have a length greater than 6.

const flowers = ['daisies', 'roses', 'cosmos', 'lilies']

// Filter flowers array for elements with a length greater than 6
const result = flowers.filter(i => i.length > 6)

// ['daisies']


In this blog, we went over how to access elements in arrays, modify arrays, and loop over arrays using array methods.

To recap, these are the methods we've gone over in this blog:

Method Description
join joins all elements of an array into a string.
concat merges two or more arrays, and returns a new array
slice removes part of the original array and returns the copied array
splice mutates the contents of an array by removing or replacing existing elements
indexOf searches an array and returns the first index where the specified element is found
lastIndexOf searches an array backwards and returns the first index where the element is found
toString returns an array as a string
pop removes the last element of an array and returns that element
push adds element(s) to the end of an array and returns the new length of the array
unshift adds element(s) to the beginning of the array and returns the length of the new array
reverse reverses an array in place
sort sorts the elements of an array in place and returns the sorted array
forEach calls a function for each element in an array
map performs a function on each element in an array and creates a new array from the results of the function
reduce performs a function from left to right on each array element to return a single value
filter creates a new array with all elements that pass the test specified in the function.

You now know how to use a lot of JavaScript array methods to help make working with arrays easier.

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