Understanding Objects in JavaScript

Written by Sophia on October 13, 2020.

An object is one of JavaScript's data types. Objects consist of a collection of key:value pairs. The key in key:value is also known as name. So key:value and name:value both refer to the same thing. For consistency, we'll use key:value in this blog.

The key:value pairs hold properties and methods. Properties hold primitive data types, such as strings, numbers, other objects, and Booleans. Methods are actions that can be performed on the object. Object methods are object properties that contain a function.

Objects are a foundational part of programming in JavaScript. They allow us to group similar properties together into one unit. For example, a todo list application may store its data consisting of tasks and notes in objects.

In this blog, we'll go over:

  • Creating an object
  • Understanding properties and methods
  • Accessing object properties
  • Adding object properties
  • Modifying object properties
  • Removing object properties and methods
  • Looping through objects

Creating an Object

There are two ways to create an object:

  1. Object literals using curly braces {}
  2. Object constructors using the new keyword

Using object literals, the syntax looks like this when we create an empty object:

const objectLiteral = {}

Using object constructors, the syntax looks like this when we create an empty object:

const objectConstructor = new Object()

Let's take a look at creating an object with some more stuff inside the object.

Here, we create the city object using the object literal approach:

// Create city object using an object literal
let city = {
  name: 'San Francisco',
  landmarks: ['Golden Gate Bridge', 'Coit Tower', 'Lombard Street'],
  fog: 'Karl',
  greet: function() {
    console.log(`Welcome to ${this.name}`)

// {name: 'San Francisco', landmarks: Array(3), fog: 'Karl', greet: ƒ}

Here, we create the city object using the object constructor approach:

// Create object constructor function, which will serve as our blueprint. Yes, City is spelled with a capital C.
function City(name, landmarks, fog, greet) {
  this.name = name
  this.landmarks = landmarks
  this.fog = fog
  this.greet = greet

// Create object, city, with properties and methods from the City blueprint.
let city = new City(
  'San Francisco',
  ['Golden Gate Bridge', 'Coit Tower', 'Lombard Street'],
  function() {
    console.log(`Welcome to ${this.name}`)

// City {name: "San Francisco", landmarks: Array(3), fog: "Karl", greet: ƒ}

In both examples above, we created an object, city.

city has three properties: name, landmarks, fog.

city has one method: greet, which is a function. In the greet function, this refers to the current object, city. So ${this.name} refers to 'San Francisco'. The backticks, dollar sign, and curly braces ${} are template literals in JavaScript.

Using object literals, {}, is the more common and preferred method of creating an object because it's quicker to write due to the shorter syntax.

Properties and Methods

Object properties are the characteristics of an object. Properties can contain any data type.

A method is an object property that has a function as its value. A method is a task that an object can perform.

Let's revisit our earlier example object, city:

  • name, landmarks, and fog from the city are properties of the object, city.
  • greet is a method of the object, city.
// Create city object
let city = {
  // Object properties:
  name: 'San Francisco',
  landmarks: ['Golden Gate Bridge', 'Coit Tower', 'Lombard Street'],
  fog: 'Karl',
  // Object method:
  greet: function() {
    console.log(`Welcome to ${this.name}`)

Accessing Object Properties

There are two ways to access object properties:

  1. Dot notation: objectName.property
  2. Bracket notation: objectName[property]

Again, let's revisit our object, city.

let city = {
  name: 'San Francisco',
  landmarks: ['Golden Gate Bridge', 'Coit Tower', 'Lombard Street'],
  fog: 'Karl',
  greet: function() {
    console.log(`Welcome to ${this.name}`)

Below, we use dot notation to access the name property from the object, city. We also use bracket notation to access the landmarks property.

// Use dotation to access name property
// "San Francisco"

// Use bracket notation to access landmarks property
// ["Golden Gate Bridge", "Coit Tower", "Lombard Street"],

We use the same syntax to access an object's method. Here we call the greet method from city using dot notation and bracket notation. Dot notation is preferred.

// Call the greet function using dot notation
// Welcome to San Francisco

// Call the greet function using bracket notation
// Welcome to San Francisco

Adding Object Properties

JavaScript objects are mutable (can be changed). We can assign new values with the assignment operator, =.

In this example, we add a new property, nickname to city. When we print city, we see the new property added.

// Add nickname property using the assignment operator, =
city.nickname = 'The City'

// {name: "San Francisco", landmarks: Array(3), fog: "Karl", nickname: "The City", greet: ƒ}

Modifying Object Properties

To modify an object property, we use dot or bracket notation along with the = operator to assign a new value.

In this example, we first use dot notation to change the value of nickname to 'San Fran'. When we print out city, we confirm that the nickname property has indeed been updated. But, no one actually calls San Francisco, San Fran. So let's use bracket notation to update nickname to 'SF'.

// Update nickname to San Fran
city.nickname = 'San Fran'

// {name: "San Francisco", landmarks: Array(3), fog: "Karl", nickname: "San Fran", greet: ƒ, …}

// Update nickname to SF
city['nickname'] = 'SF'

// {name: "San Francisco", landmarks: Array(3), fog: "Karl", nickname: "SF", greet: ƒ, …}

Removing Object Properties

To remove an object property, we use the delete keyword.

fog isn't actually a good property to have on the city object because not all cities have fog. This means having the fog property is not good for code reusability. Let's make the city object more general by removing the fog property with the delete keyword. true will be printed when fog is deleted. Then let's print city to see that fog is no longer a property of city.

// Delete the fog property
delete city.fog
// Output:
// true

// {name: "San Francisco", landmarks: Array(3), nickname: "The City", greet: ƒ}

Looping Through Objects

The for...in loop is used to iterate over properties of an object.

We can use the for...in loop to traverse over the object and print both the key and value. In this example, we loop through city and print out its key and value. key refers to the key, and city[key] refers to the value.

// Loop over city and print the keys and values
for (let key in city) {
  console.log(`${key}: ${city[key]}`)

// Output:
// name: San Francisco
// landmarks: Golden Gate Bridge,Coit Tower,Lombard Street
// nickname: SF
// greet: function () {
//     console.log(`Welcome to ${this.name}`);
//   }


Objects are a fundamental part of organizing code and functionality in JavaScript.

Here's a recap of what we learned in this blog,

  • Create objects with bracket notation {} or object constructors using the new keyword
  • Object properties are characteristics of an object, while methods are functions that an object can execute
  • Access properties and methods with dot notation . or bracket notation []
  • Add properties with the assignment operator =
  • Modify properties and methods by accessing them with either dot or bracket notation and then using the assignment operator to assign a new value
  • Delete properties and methods using the delete keyword
  • Loop through objects with the for...in loop

For further reading, check out these articles:

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